Building the Bitcoin-backed financial infrastructure that scales—on the lightning network and federations.
Watch our past Research Talks on YouTube, and see our events page for more upcoming presentations and workshops.
Pioneering new technologies that improve the security, efficiency, and scalability of the blockchain.
Our tools enable developers to build more secure and reliable software. Run your bitcoin node on NixOS with Nix-Bitcoin. Get started writing structured Bitcoin Scripts with Miniscript, or stand up your own federated with Fedimint.
An optimized C library for ECDSA signatures and secret/public key operations on the secp256k1 curve.
A purely functional package manager that builds the entire operating system from source code, minimizes attack surface, and runs your bitcoin node.
A language for writing Bitcoin Scripts in a structured way, making analysis composition, and generic signing simpler.
A work-in-progress programming language with greater flexibility and expressiveness than Bitcoin Script.
A federated chaumian mint that enables users to create a bitcoin-backed mint with deposits and withdrawals.